W.C. Smith Building

Smith building in Florence
Smith building in FlorenceSmith building in Florence Tin ceilingTin ceiling WindowsWindows Wooden floorWooden floor Wood ceilingWood ceiling
Project location: Florence, AZ
Date completed: 2016

Phase 1 to reopen the vacant building with mercantile use and add new restrooms, restore interior finishes.

Phase 2 will be to restore the façade

Navajo County Courthouse

Navajo County Courthouse
Navajo County CourthouseNavajo County Courthouse
Project location: Holbrook AZ
Date completed: 2012

The RAR Architects team field-measured, documented and structurally analyzed the historic Courthouse in Holbrook AZ – the client was concerned with settling floors and significant cracking in key walls. Among other items, they requested analysis of the vibrations caused by the nearby railway track.

Babbitt building

Street corner of the renovated Babbitt building
Street corner of the renovated Babbitt buildingStreet corner of the renovated Babbitt building
Project location: Flagstaff, AZ

RAR provided detailed drawings for reconstruction of the metal fascia to facilitate restoration and repair to this classic downtown Flagstaff building

Aspey Watkins & Diesel

Completed AWD building
Completed AWD buildingCompleted AWD building
Project location: Flagstaff, AZ
Size: 41,000 square feet
Date completed: 2002

Four story office building. Combines restored three-story strcture with new four-story lobby element.

Completed project includes underground parking for 27 automobiles.

Majerle’s Sports Grill in Flagstaff

Main entrance from Route 66 in Downtown Flagstaff
Main entrance from Route 66 in Downtown FlagstaffMain entrance from Route 66 in Downtown Flagstaff Interior of Majerle’s after openingInterior of Majerle’s after opening Frontage along San Francisco StFrontage along San Francisco St
Project location: Flagstaff, AZ
Size: 4,400 sf
Date completed: 2013

This project was a renovation of a historic building on Rt 66 in Historic Downtown Flagstaff. RAR worked closely with the owner in order to utilize the interior of the space to it’s fullest potential, and to provide the wall space necessary while preserving the historic façade and restoring the historic entryway.

Mountain Christmas

Street view
Street viewStreet view
Project location: Flagstaff, AZ

Restored storefront on San Francisco street. Work included removing inappropriate additions and restoring exterior to original storefront

Mandall’s Department Store

Street facade
Street facadeStreet facade EntrywayEntryway
Project location: Florence, AZ
Size: 3563 sf
Date completed: 2007

Historic Renovation of 1911 Mandall’s Department Store. Restoration of original tin ceiling, glass display windows, wood trim. Replaced floor structure, added restrooms and accessible exits.

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