Westgate Village

Holiday-02-Sign-smallHoliday-02-Sign-small Holiday-02-DiningPool-smallHoliday-02-DiningPool-small Westgate-DiningWestgate-Dining Westgate-EntryWestgate-Entry Westgate-LobbyWestgate-Lobby
Project location: Glendale, Arizona
Size: 112,509 s.f.
Date completed: 2018
Construction cost: 14.6 million

This is a 129 unit, three-story, senior independent apartment complex with onsite dining and other amenities.

Orchard Pointe at Terrazza

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Project location: Peoria, AZ
Size: 135,383 s.f.
Date completed: 2019
Construction cost: 18.5 million

This is a 116 unit, two-story senior living center with independent apartments, assisted living facility and memory care. It includes onsite dining, fitness center, salon and other amenities, including two private courtyards for resident use.

Orchard Pointe at Arrowhead

arrowhead-renderingarrowhead-rendering IMG_9402IMG_9402 IMG_9350-1IMG_9350-1 IMG_9389IMG_9389
Project location: Glendale, Arizona
Size: 104,882 s.f.
Date completed: 2017
Construction cost: 11.9 million

This is a 100 unit, two-story assisted living facility with a large central courtyard and attached memory care wing. It includes onsite dining, fitness center, salon, and other amenities.

Christian Care Manor III

Christian Care Manor III
Christian Care Manor IIIChristian Care Manor III
Project location: Phoenix, AZ
Size: 40 units
Date completed: 1991

HUD, 40 Units, four story congregate care facility.

Construction Cost $1.4 Million

Solterra, Pinetop

South side of the Solterra facility
South side of the Solterra facilitySouth side of the Solterra facility Dining room in SolterraDining room in Solterra
Project location: Pinetop, AZ
Size: 60,000 sf
Date completed: 2009

Three story wood frame expansion to existing Assisted Living Facility. New area has 35 one-bedroom units, 15 studio units, Memory care Suite, commercial kitchen, dining room, bistro, activity rooms, wellness/exercise suite, salon and support offices.

Caliente Casa del Sol Senior Center

(Sorry, no pictures for this project were found)
Project location: Florence, AZ
Size: 16,242 sf
Date completed: 2011

Remodel existing Senior Center with new accessible restroom, commercial kitchen, gathering space.

Christian Care FellowShip Square Tucson

Dining Building Interior
Dining Building InteriorDining Building Interior Dining BuildingDining Building
Project location: Tucson, AZ
Size: remodels and additions
Date completed: various since 2002

Various remodel and addition projects at existing apartment complex to add main entry, common services and dining facility, conversion to Assited Living, increased accessibility.

Housing America Somerton

Project location: Somerton, AZ
Size: 45 units
Date completed: 2008

HUD funded, 45 units senior apartments. Campus of 8-plex and 4-plex single story buildings, one 2-bedroom managers unit with common building for gathering and laundry. Site includes area for second phase.

Harrison Haven (Housing America Kingman)

Common building of Housing America in Kingman
Common building of Housing America in KingmanCommon building of Housing America in Kingman Harrison HavenHarrison Haven Harrison Haven site entranceHarrison Haven site entrance Harrison Haven siteHarrison Haven site Harrison HavenHarrison Haven Harrison HavenHarrison Haven Harrison HavenHarrison Haven
Project location: Kingman, AZ
Size: 57 units
Date completed: 2007
Constructed by MTV General Contractors
Completed on time and within budget

HUD funded senior living. 57 1-bedroom units with one 2-bedroom manager’s unit and common facilities including gathering area and laundry.

Campus of single story 8-plex buildings including area for second phase.

Christian Care Fellowship Square

Site plan
Site planSite plan Elevation renderingElevation rendering
Project location: Corona, CA
Size: 310 units

Three story senior housing facility

Toby House 8

Toby House 8
Toby House 8Toby House 8
Project location: Phoenix, AZ
Date completed: 2005

8-plex and 4-plex on scattered sites

Construction Cost $1.3 million

Fellowship Square

Fellowship Square
Fellowship SquareFellowship Square Fellowship SquareFellowship Square Fellowship SquareFellowship Square
Project location: Phoenix, AZ
Size: 264 Units
Date completed: 1988

City of Phoenix, I.D.A. Bonds

264 Units, single story and three story congregate care facility.

Completed in 1988

Construction Cost $15 Million

Christian Care Manor II

Christian Care Manor 2 grounds
Christian Care Manor 2 groundsChristian Care Manor 2 grounds Christian Care Manor IIChristian Care Manor II Christian Care Manor 2Christian Care Manor 2 Christian Care Manor 2 dining roomChristian Care Manor 2 dining room Christian Care Manor 2Christian Care Manor 2 Christian Care Manor 2Christian Care Manor 2 Christian Care Manor 2 from the drivewayChristian Care Manor 2 from the driveway
Project location: Phoenix, AZ
Size: 47 units
Date completed: 1984 and 2008

Located in Phoenix, Arizona

HUD, 47 Units, senior living apartments. In 2008 Unit updates and Addition for dining, kitchen and other service spaces for Assisted Living Care.

Robson Communities

EntryEntry InteriorInterior
Project location: Sun Lakes, AZ

Renaissance Luxury Residential Suites

Elderly Housing, Independent and Assisted Living

First Phase – 250,000 sq. feet

180 units in two, 3 story wings with common facilities including dining, medical, exercise, beauty shop, computer room, crafts and security.

Second Phase 2 additional wings with 150 units

Williams Apartments

(Sorry, no pictures for this project were found)
Project location: Williams, AZ
Size: 5,000 square feet
Date completed: 2002

New apartments on a vacant lot in Williams, AZ

Casa del Rio

Casa del Rio
Casa del RioCasa del Rio Casa del RioCasa del Rio Dining RoomDining Room Casa del RioCasa del Rio
Project location: Peoria, AZ
Date completed: 1986

An award-winning design from the mid-80’s

Sharon Manor Phase I

Sharon Manor Phase 1
Sharon Manor Phase 1Sharon Manor Phase 1 Sharon Manor Phase 1Sharon Manor Phase 1
Project location: Flagstaff, AZ
Size: 4,000 square feet
Date completed: 1998

The Affordable Housing Coalition

Located in Flagstaff, Arizona

4,000 square foot, 8 Unit, ladies shelter.

Construction Cost $450,000

Cameron House

Cameron House
Cameron HouseCameron House
Project location: Mesa, AZ
Size: 32,172 square feet

Mesa Elderly Housing

Private Funds

32,172 sq. Ft. 50 Units, single story assisted living facility.

Construction Cost $2,236,935

Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for HumanityHabitat for Humanity
Project location: Flagstaff, AZ
Date completed: 1998

Located in Flagstaff, Arizona

Three – 1,200 square foot residential living

Completed in 1998

Construction Cost – community / volunteer

Glendale Haciendas

Glendale Haciendas
Glendale HaciendasGlendale Haciendas
Project location: Glendale, AZ
Size: 61 units
Date completed: 2007

HUD Funded, Independent Senior Living, 2 story wood frame with 60 one-bedroom units, 1 two-bedroom managers unit, common spaces and laundry.

Construction Cost $5.2 million

Casa Mia

Casa Mia
Casa MiaCasa Mia
Project location: Phoenix, AZ
Size: 64 units
Date completed: 2006

Located in Phoenix

64 Units HUD Funded Independent Senior Living, 63 one-bedroom units, 1 two-bedroom units and common spaces.

Construction Cost $4.8 milllion

Christian Care Mesa

Christian Care Mesa
Christian Care MesaChristian Care Mesa
Project location: Mesa, AZ
Size: 236 units
Date completed: 1999

Private Funds

236 Units, five buildings, two and three story

congregate care facility.

Construction Cost $12.5 Million

Christian Care Manor I

Christian Care Manor I
Christian Care Manor IChristian Care Manor I
Project location: Phoenix, AZ
Size: 96 units
Date completed: 1981

Located in Phoenix, Arizona

HUD, 96 Units, four story congregate care facility.

Construction Cost $2.48 Million

Christian Care Mesa Manor IV

Christian Care Mesa Manor IV
Christian Care Mesa Manor IVChristian Care Mesa Manor IV Conference roomConference room New Kitchen facilitiesNew Kitchen facilities New dining facilities at Christian Care Manor IVNew dining facilities at Christian Care Manor IV Wellness center at Christian Care Manor IVWellness center at Christian Care Manor IV Christian Care Manor 4Christian Care Manor 4 Christian Care grounds nearing completionChristian Care grounds nearing completion Christian Care Manor IV grounds nearing completionChristian Care Manor IV grounds nearing completion
Project location: Mesa, AZ
Size: 65 units
Date completed: 1999
Construction cost: $3.54 Million

HUD, 65 Units, three story Assisted Senior Living

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